Thursday, February 25, 2010

Week 5

Wow it is week 5 already.
This week we will be working on our learning conferences so they are ready for week 6. We will be having party games for golden time. Please feel free to come along to our swimming lesson on Thursday at 1.30pm. The room 4 students will be sharing what they have learnt in the swimming season.

PRIDE Certificate Winner Week 4 Term 1 2010

Georgia has been showing leadership in room 4. She was elected as our class rep for enviro and is always willing to help out. She is caring towards others and a great role model.

Monday, February 22, 2010

School Picnic

The Douglas Park School Picnic is on this Thursday.
Bring along a picnic,  rug and togs for an evening of family fun.
There will be cold drinks, sausages, nachos and iceblocks for sale.
See you all there.

George's STAR

This week George our wonderful teacher aide selected Zara for her STAR of the week. Zara has been making great choices in class and shows PRIDE.

PRIDE Certificate Winner Week 3 Term 1 2010

Steeve has been doing a great job with her learning. She writes stories with interesting sentence beginnings and can edit her own work.

Keep up the great work.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Golden Time

Our Golden Time for week 4 is 'Crazy Hairstyles'. I'm sure all the children will really enjoy this. Look out for some photos next week.

Newsletter Notes

Brainfood is a great way to give kids some extra fuel to get through the morning. Brainfood could be any type of fruit or vegetable cut in to small pieces, nuts or dried fruit. We have 5 minutes at brainfood time so it is best to provide something children can eat in this time.

There is a box in the classroom for water bottles, children are allowed to drink to drink water during learning time. Please make sure you name their water bottle.


Our class library day is Monday. Please return library books on a Friday. 

Book Bag

If your child doesn’t have a book bag they can be purchased from the school office for $4.

Golden Time

Do you have any talents that you would like to share with room 4 for ‘Golden Time’?

Could be anything from baking, art ,sports or crafts.

Come and have a chat with be if you would like to come in and take a ‘Golden Time’ session

Monday, February 15, 2010

PRIDE Certificate Winner Week 2 Term 1 2010

Harry has been showing respect in the classroom.
He was also George's STAR of the week.
Keep up the great work Harry!

Room 4 2010