Monday, March 22, 2010

PRIDE Certificate Winner Week 7 Term 1 2010

Liam was our PRIDE certificate winner for week 7. He has been working hard during learning time. Keep up the great work.

Student Teacher

Room 4 has a student teacher who will be working with us for the next 7 weeks. We are really excited to have Miss Adams in our classroom.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

PRIDE Certificate Winner Week 6 Term 1 2010

Zoey has been working really hard with her learning. She is focussed in class and is working hard when she works with Janet.  

Learning conferences

We had our learning conferences last week. Here is Liam sharing his learning with his mum. We share where we are at with our learning and our next steps.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Twits

Room 4 have just finished reading ‘The Twits’ by Roald Dahl. Here are our summaries of the story.


The twits are disgusting people. They play nasty tricks on each other. Mister and Misses twit hate children. They eat bird pie with glue.



There are people named the twits. They are mean. Mr and Mrs twit are ugly.



There was a family called the twits. They were cruel to monkeys and heaps of animals. They ate bird pie and are the ugliest people you have ever seen. They are mean to each other.



The twits are very hairy. They are smelly. But they are funny and very scary.



The twits are dreadful. Mr twit has a long beard just like Santa. The twits smell like rotten egg. Mrs twit is yuck she pulls her glass eye out.

-Jayden F

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

PRIDE Certificate Winner Week 5 Term 1 2010

Sophie has been showing PRIDE with her writing. She is starting to edit and spell check her own work. Keep up the great work.